
紫禁城之旅/全聚德吃烤鴨 Forbidden City/Duck Restaurant今天是週末 也是我來北京的第四天 我決定去紫禁城看看 對於這趟行程我很興奮 終於可以看到聞名已久的紫禁城 我做計程車來到這 因為紫禁城前門不准停車 所以司機放我在國家大劇院下車 Today is Saturday and it is the fourth day I have been in Beijing. I decided to go to Forbidden City. I am really excited about this trip because I finally can see the famous Forbidden City. I took the taxi here. Because they don't allow parking in front of Forbidden City, the taxi driver dropped me off the nearby National Pavilion. 我自己一個人來的 所以只好自拍 今天真是冷到不行 我臉色還真是發白I am here by myself, so I can only took a picture of myself myself. Today is so cold and my face looks frozen.我正在走到紫禁城 我忘了這棟建築是什麼 好像是人民議事廳 (留言顯示這是人民大議院)I am walking to the Forbidden City, I forgot which building is this. I think it is some kind of government building. (Someone told me that this is Great Hall of People)這裡是無名英雄的紀念碑This is the Monument to the unknown heros.這裡是毛澤東紀念堂Here is Mao Memorial Hall這裡是天安門廣場Here is Tian An Men square終於要走進紫禁城了 今天有一堆人 人潮真是很誇張Finally I am walking into the Forbidden City. Today there were a ton of people; it was incredible走過一各城門 怎麼又有一個I walked through a defense wall and there is another one.然後又一個And there is another one. 我大概走過三四個這樣的城牆 才到紫禁城的正式入口 難怪她們說參觀完至少要三小時以上 真是太大了 I walked pass three or four those kind of wall entrance, finally I arrived at the Forbidden City entrance. No wonder it takes at least half of the day to walk the whole City because it is huge.這已市第二個建築 這裡的建築都市一個格式 所以看不出來我已走了一段路 有些旁邊的城我都沒有進去看 因為會花太長時間了This is the second building. The style of all the buildings are all the same, so it is hard to tell I already walked to the second one. A lot of the side buildings I did not even go in. It will take too long. 我不記的每一棟建築的名稱還有來源I don't remember each building's name.另一棟建築 因為我沒有顧導遊也沒有租導覽器 所以我不隻到每一棟建築的功能 就是走馬看花囉Anothere building. Because I did not hire a guide or rent the machine that explains each building, I am not sure each building's functionalities. 這裡是朝聖的地方This is where the emperor works and see other governors.她們不讓人進去 所以只能在外面照相 我幾進去才照到了一張They don't allow people to go in, so I can only took a picture from far away. I have to squeeze in for the picture. 照到這裡都不知在照什麼了 看起來都一樣By this time, I don't know what kind of building I am taking pictures of. They all look the same.在這裡我買了一些紀念品給同事Here I got some sourveniors for my coworkers.又是一堆人Another crowd.這裡好像也是朝盛的地方I think here is another place that emperor works.這裡是電視劇裡常聽到的御花園This is emperor's garden.走到這才發現已經到出口處了 怎麼走那麼快 我聽同事說妃子的寢宮最好看 怎麼都沒看到 好像跳過很多 決定往回走When I finished the garden, it is already the end. I was surprised that I finished everything so quickly. My coworker said that all the concumbies' palace is the best, but I did not see any. I decided to walk back.又走馬看花看了幾棟建築I walked pass few buildings again. 這裡也是妃子居住的其中一個地方 只是被閃電擊中 燒了This is where one of the concumby's building. It got burned by the lightening.這個部分我還要重新買票 這是九龍璧 我數了是九條龍沒錯This part I have to purchase the ticket separatly. This is nigh dragons wall. I counted; it is nigh dragons.這裡是妃子們住的地方 這些獅子有特殊的意思 (我偷聽到別的導遊講解) 獅子耳多垂下代表告訴這些女人別聽閒話 眼睛半閉代表睜一隻眼閉一隻眼This is where the concumbies live. These lions have an interesting meaning behind them.(I overheared other people's tour guide explaining this) The lions' ears go down meaning the women in here should not listen to the gossip. The eye lid is half closed means don't see what you should not see.皇帝有時來住的床When emperor came here, this is the bed he sleeps.這裡是古代的劇院This is their pavilion. 光緒帝最寵愛的珍妃就是住在這裡 後來八國聯軍攻進被慈禧命人推到井裡淹死了One of the emperor's favorite concumby lived here. The emperor's mom ordered people to push her into the well when other countried invaded Beijing. 這裡是護城河This is the defense river.接著去吃有名的全聚德烤鴨 是在王府井 這裡的店都是比較貴的商店Next I went to a famous duck restaurant. This is where the restaurant is located at. Around it are all expensive stores.他們穿古裝好像在拍電影They are wearing the traditional chinese outfit.這裡就是全聚德 真是金碧輝煌This is the duck restaurant. It is so shining inside.廚師正在片鴨The chef is cutting the duck for me. 還有人介紹怎麼吃 廁所還有專人服務遞紙擦手The waitor even introduced me how to eat it. The service is super good. There is even server in the restroom welcoming you and giving you tissue to wipe your hands. 基本上就是包一起吃You pretty much wrap everything together and eat it.吃完去附近逛逛After eating I walked around the area..

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