
北京逛街樂 Beijing Shopping Fun今天我同事Jessica帶我去這邊的西單市場買東西 這邊是很多年輕人買東西的地方 早上一早就很多人了Today my coworker Jessica took me shopping. A lot of young people came to this place to shop. There are a lot of people already in the morning. 在這邊買東西都要殺價 起碼要殺三分之二 我買了很多但也殺的很累Shopping here you have to negotiate price; at least cut 2/3 of the price. I bought a lot but also negotiating price is so tiring. 逛完後也餓了 去吃韓國菜After shopping, we were hungry. We went to a Korean restaurant. 我們決定買完去做指甲 先到這家商場看看價錢We decided to get our nails down afterwards. We came to this mall to take a look at the price first. 做完天都黑了After the nails are done, it is dark already. 北京夜景很美The night view in Beijing is pretty. 去吃晚餐 今晚吃小龍湯包 實在好吃We have little soup buns for dinner. It was so delicious. 在北京作指甲很便宜 才八元美金 還畫花Getting nails done are so cheap in Beijing; it costs us 8 dollars. 隔天我們去做頭髮The next day we went to get our hair done. .

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